-West-Island / Lachine Join forces at Double Letters!

September 9, 2020

For Immediate Release:

Sept 9 2020


L’Association de Hockey Lachine (A.H.L.) and Hockey West Island (H.W.I.) are happy to announce a partnership for the upcoming double letter season. Under the partnership the two associations will be able to offer both AA and BB programs to all members of AHL and HWI which would not be the case for either association without the partnership. Information for the doubles letters evaluations will be provided via email and will be on the websites of both association in the coming days.


Double letter partnership, L’association de Hockey Lachine / Hockey West Island



  • Why is this being done during COVID? The reduction in registration across our region has prompted Lac St Louis Hockey to make a rule change that heavily encourages these partnerships to make up for lower registrations and to create teams with better balance.
  • Why is bigger necessarily better? Alone, l’Association de Hockey Lachine and Hockey West Island do not have the numbers to justify two double letter teams at any level. Having no AA for Lachine is unfair to their better players and having no BB in Hockey West Island means additional opportunities for those who are able to play Double Letter Hockey. By expanding the options available we have a greater ability to place players in the appropriate level.
  • Will my child lose their spot to an outside player? Players that belong in double letters will have more options to join a team of the correct level. In divisions with contact it is best to have the option of restricted contact in BB. For younger age groups access to a BB team enables access for first year players who are otherwise disadvantaged due to size and experience. Access to AA and BB is more fair for all. 
  • Will members of either association be forced to play in a new association? NO! This partnership is being done to increase options for our members. If a player does not wish to go to the other association they are free to stay.
  • What is the impact on Single letters? We are not merging in Single letters, all Single Letter Teams will remain within their respective Associations.

We’ve taken the RCM pledge.

Nous avons signé l’engagement du MER.


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